Zum Boxer Klub München

Letzte Änderung 
02. Mai  2005

Beste Bildschirm- 
Auflösung 1024*768

Günter Kirschen
Leharstr. 77
86179 Augsburg,
Tel. 0821-86245

gegründet 1895, im Verband für das deutsche Hundewesen e.V


Thursday 21. April:

Training - Karl-Mögele-Stadion
9:00 to 12:00 obedience  practice
12:30 protection practice
First come, first serve

Friday 22. April:

Training - Karl-Mögele-Stadion
9:00 obedience practice
12:15 protection practice
Order see practice plan.
Link to practice plan
14:00-15:00 Team leader meeting
15:00-15:45 our veterinarian Dr. Wurster checks the dogs and the vaccination card.
16:00 Opening Ceremony and welcome of all teams in stadium,
17:00-17:30 protection test
19:00 Uhr drawing of lots and welcome

Saturday 23. April:

Event 1. Day
07:30 Opening of Stadium
08:00 Obedience and Protection competition in Stadium begins
08:00 Tracking competition begins on tracking field
Link to time schedule
19:00 Opening of celebration hall.
20:00 Celebration Evening

Sunday 24. April:

Event 2. Day
06:30 Opening of Stadium
07:00 Obedience and Protection competition in Stadium continues
08:00 Tracking competition continues on tracking field
Link to time schedule
16:00 Awards Ceremony



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